The perfect pairing of romantic red roses, medleyed together with blushed pink carnation blooms. Embodying passion, adoration & boundless devotion - our Eternal Flame wedding bouquet & boutonnière make for the most magical addition to your ensemble, for your and your beloved's big day.
Bouquet: 34cm (H) x 20cm (W)
Boutonnière: 12cm (H)x 10cm (W)
Bridal Bouquet: Red Rose (10 stalks), Pink Carnation Spray (5 stalks), Eucalyptus Leaves
Boutonnière: Red Rose (1 stalk), Pink Carnation Spray (1 stalk)
Wedding Bouquet, Wedding Boutonnieres, Congratulatory Gestures
A glass jar in a gift box
Flower Care QR code
Free message card
Bridal bouquet flower care:
- Remove your blooms from the box and carefully remove the water solution encasing.
- Prepare a vase by filling it with cold tap water, making sure there is enough water to cover the visible stems.
- Place your hand-tied bouquet in the vase, ensuring the stems are immersed in the water. If you're using the bouquet for a wedding, keep it in the vase until you're ready to use it.
- Find a cool room or shaded area to store your hand-tied bouquet. Avoid exposing it to direct air-conditioning, sunlight, extreme heat, dust, and ripening fruit
Boutonnière flower care:
- Take the boutonniere out of the box while keeping the wrapping intact.
- Store the boutonniere in a cool room or shaded area, making sure to avoid direct air-conditioning, direct sunlight, extreme heat, dust, and ripening fruit.
- When you're ready to use the boutonniere, carefully unwrap it and remove any foam that may be present.
*Pro tip: For optimal results, create some storage space in your refrigerator and place both the hand-tied bouquet and the filled vase, along with the boutonniere, inside.