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December 01, 2020 4 min read

The Beginning of 2020

The year started off fresh and filled with energy - we were ready with new  goals and dreams. We were ready to embark on the year, full speed ahead, leaving 2019 behind and the year 2020 would be the year of change and growth. However, the universe had other plans for us for 2020. A plan much bigger than any of us - something we are not able to handle alone but it is something we will all overcome in unity if were work hard together.

Life is unpredictable. It always has been and it will always be, what is new? Of course, sometimes good things will come and sometimes the bad ones will. It is truly how we perceive it to be. How we unwrap it and how we handle it. With what is given to us, there will always be a way to overcome it no matter how easy nor hard it may and can be. Just like the common saying, “when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.”

The year 2020 has been a year filled with moments that has left us out of control; moments that have made us joyous, sad, anxious, restless, dumfounded or stunned even but overall, it has brought us both happiness and sadness. The ups and downs of this journey we all call life.

The Unexpected

We're sure that you were aware of how the pandemic hit the world like a storm on a sunny day. Just when we thought we made it through the beginning smoothly, the world was struck by lightning. Although we saw it coming, we never knew how bad it was going to be. From watching it over the news, we were not aware of how close it got to us. We were almost in denial and with immediate effect, we had to accustom ourselves to the new normal.

Social distancing, wearing a mask, washing our hands, working from home, sanitizing at all times, and of course, maintaining a long-distance relationship with the world and the people we love. These are all the new normal that we practice in our everyday lives for now. Just think of how different it was 9 months ago, when we could go over to our friend's house for dinner, spending the weekend at our parent's house, a date night at the movies, or even just a walk in the park, we could do all of that so easily but as of now, we live our lives indoors; where we dream of the outside world to be a safe place again one day.

Moments of Victory

Although most parts of the world has been put on hold, it is so important to remember the small significant little things that we should be appreciative of - we must appreciate that we have a roof over our heads, we have food on the table, we have a paying job, front-liners who are working so hard daily to keep us safe and we have people that we love who are still with us and those that love us, but most importantly we must appreciate that we are safe and sound at home.

Often, we tend to overlook these little things because they are just so small of a matter that they just end up being not recognizable at all but these are the things that make every moment in life count; moments that make us feel alive. These are the things that are most memorable and impactful on our wellbeing. Whether you are working from home or you are back in the office, there are times where this quarantine season will make you feel unproductive, restless, or have you completely lost of direction in life as we were all stripped away from the life we once knew. The life we grew to be so comfortable with.

Know that you are not alone, that you are well loved, and that everyone is going through this storm with you. When they days get a little dim, remember the little victories that you are achieving. Even if it is just getting out of bed in the morning to getting a good night’s sleep at the end of the day.

Wrapping it up

As the year is on its last few pages, look back into the year and look at how well you did to have survived and yet still surviving - be absolutely proud of where you are today and be proud of how much you have accomplished up until now. No, 2020 is definitely not a wasted year. It is a year to acknowledge the little aspects of life that we were too busy before. and with time, this would all be over. With time, we will grow to be stronger and wiser.

For the world to get better, we will need to do our part in allowing for the world to heal at its own pace. No, no rush, no hurry. Well you see, for nothing good comes when it is forced but there is always good when we work hard and are patient enough. In no time, the good will arrive. So in the meantime, we shall keep ourselves busy and keep the people around us safe at all times.

With that being said, keep yourself connected with the world by spreading love in any way you can. In this mad mad world, all we are love - so send your loved ones the gift of love and appreciation. Let them know that you are keeping them close in your thoughts, that they are loved and soon, we will see the sunshine after the downpour.

So long 2020 - let the year be filled with the ups and downs but never to forget of the world is it evolving into.

No rain, no flowers. May the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary.